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Showing posts with label Milo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milo. Show all posts

Oligo and Milo Chocolate Drinks Comparison

Robert's Google+

Oligo Vs Milo Chocolate Beverage 

I cant believe drinking Oligo is like I was drinking Nestle Milo. There was nothing wrong with my tongue. I cant differentiate the taste. Despite some people said Oligo has bad taste. When people said Oligo, a not so good chocolate drink I thought to myself that "how bad it can goes" ?

Oligo is one of the many beverage brand under one big company. It Power Root. I believe you have seen Power Root advertisement. It always triggering my human desire to win RM 1 million. Even the oldest chocolate beverage in Malaysia such as Milo, it did not had this kind of RM 1 million advertisement. 

Believe it or not both of these chocolate beverages tasted the same. It like a replicate of it or they just has different packaging. That all of it ! Speaking about Power Root, they have extensive beverages products for Malaysian consumers. They have their own version of Red Bull and wide selection of Nescafe.

It is up to Malaysian consumer whether to support Power Root or other brands. There is one important noticeable factor among those beverage products, particularly Power Root, all of them has no price range gap compared to other brands. For example, one go to shopping mall picking up Oligo and Milo and notice the price are same. Why is that same price ??

I thought popular brand such as Milo should sell higher whereas Oligo should sell in lower price. It does not work like that in beverage industry. If price and taste were the same what really a concern for consumer will be the brand. It seem like Nestle brand is stronger compared to Power Root and consumer are most likely to choose Nestle Milo over Power Root's Oligo. 

Give it a try for Oligo chocolate drink if you have seen them at supermarket or 7-Eleven stores nationwide. Both are great chocolate beverage in Malaysia 

Yes to Vico, No to Milo

Robert's Google+

Vico vs Milo in Malaysia

I hope not doing any illegal stuff here nor trying to prove anything wrong or jeopardy a business entity. It just my personal choice and personal opinion. Actually, I am just following the norm.

The norm is that temporarily stop consuming a certain brand and encourage to consume another brand. I love both this drinks. I have been drinking MILO since at a very young age. In other hands, Vico is the second chocolate beverage brand that I know. If someone asks me about "example of Chocolate beverage brands in Malaysia". I would not hesitate to say Milo first following a Vico.

Vico is like 10% and Milo is 90% in a blind guess for my entire life consumption on this both chocolate beverage. Milo virtually existed in nationwide and freely available. There are milo in can, milo in a stick pack, milo in a moving transport. I believe there were no Vico sold in a can right.

If you have been reading the news, you would notice there are some people actually doing this stuff as "boycott" . They will say yes to Vico and no to Milo. The sentiment does exist you just need to go to a correct group of people. Well, Vico is made in Malaysia and under a company Maestro Swiss Food Sdn Bhd. If you must insist to know it halal as well as Nestle's Milo.

In an analysis on Vico and Milo's nutritional information. Vico apparently has Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium and Iron. As for Milo, there got almost the same except Milo does not have Vitamin E.

Vico and transformers cup by Darlie

Making Vico mix with some condensed mik. Vico in 200g cost around RM4.20 only.

The vico color is about the same as Milo. The only obvious difference between Milo and Vico is that Vico has an unique chocolate taste. Both of them are great chocolate beverages brand. Vico definitely has sales surge during that period of time.