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Showing posts with label Electricity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Electricity. Show all posts

Proof of RM 20 Rebate for Electricity Bill

Robert's Google+

Effective since 2008, RM 20 is waived if you are using lesser than 100 KWH a month

There is no release of information how many household are using less than 110 KWH a month. Certainly, many would have asked how was it like to be in the situation living under RM 20 electricity bill. Surely, many would question whether there is a solid proof the implementation of RM 20 subsidy was a successful or a failure ??

The electricity hike was all started on 2008. The year financial collapse in western world. If you ask what really affect globally as a result of the financial crisis in 2008, the obvious would be our electricity tariff. It was a chain reaction ?? I cant tell you that because I am no professor in this field. Observe carefully our electricity tariff increased year-on-year basis. When will it stopped ??

It affected everywhere you go there is no escaping even in Malaysia. The excuse was because the increase of the price material using to generate our power. How much increase and what materials were they using ?? It seem like there is no stopping it until the material price stabilize. Tomorrow our electricity tariff might changed in an upward trend. I heard TNB is going to increase again the news was reported in June 2014.

To be able hitting below 110 KWH will make life uneasy. The reality is that most of us used up 110 KWH. Can you survive living with one refrigerator, light and fan turned on for 30 days?? No television, electric water boiler and most importantly no air-conditioner for hot weather and air purifier for polluted city.

In 2013, trusted source said there were 1.1 million benefited by this exemption. 146 million have been spent by the government for this exemption.

Example of waived payment to SESB. Exemption applied once balance below RM20. One still get bill every month showing current electricity consumption

Sabah Electricity Tariff is lower than West Malaysia

Robert's Google+

There are difference in SESB and TNB. SESB is Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd while TNB is Tenaga Nasional Berhad. 

Sabah electricity vs TNB electricity tariff 2014

There were large usage of electricity during May 2014. There is a report said the highest in country history due to the current hot weather and dry spell. TNB general manager Omar Sidek said Malaysia recorded power usage of 16,583 MW on May 28.

Usage of electricity from 2 PM to 5 PM remained at peak every day. Experts warned everyone of us lowering the electricity consumption at that period. For example, regulating air conditioning between 23 and 25 Celsius, do ironing at night or washing machines and boil water during off peak periods. Besides, there were an advice on factories to operate machines at night rather than at day.

Our power management in Malaysia could be proved weak due to our electricity tariff policy is not strengthen enough. In South Korea, they have this seasoned tariff rate. On the peak period, the electricity tariff is slightly higher as for off peak period the electricity tariff is charged lower. Our electricity tariff is calculated based on fixed rate.

SESB electricity bill 2014
SESB Electricity Bill for 2014

In order to change factory operator mind, we need to polish our electricity tariff to help factory operator have a thought to operate at night rather than at day light. Despite that, studying the chart above Sabah electricity is cheaper than TNB the company controlling power supply at west Malaysia.

The chart above is leaned on home consumer rather than business. Business were using different tariff and will slightly lower favoring the business in Malaysia. Those who use more than 700 kwh as a consumer rather than business will be charge at RM 0.54 more or less. Not to mention there will be 1.6 % borne by consumer if their electricity tariff hit 301 KWH.

New Electricity tariff has been revised and imposed effective on January 1, 2014. Many people had experienced hike in their electricity bill. There were reasons behind all these. It is complicated to explain and understandable by most of us. So, we were being educated how to conserve electricity.

Moreover, it is a wrong perception that the new electricity tariff affected business in Malaysia the most. If you look at that the TNB or SESB website, there were two different tariff one is for business and the other one for business. In fact, home electricity tariff is more expensive than business operator. Businesses in Malaysia should not make excuses to increase their price without doing extensive research.

Malaysia and Neighboring Countries Electricity Prices Comparison

Robert's Google+

Comparison Electricity prices per kWh on other Asean countries. Malaysia electricity tariff 2014 against others

I do not know whether average Malaysian household felt the new electricity tariff pricing system effective January 2014. For myself, I kind of curious and felt a little bit. So, I set myself on a simple research that can be done by normal secondary students.

I just want an answer for my question in my mind. You and I know it not difficult we just have to do some search on Mr Google. Although Google is a powerful search engine, it did not mean once you type your questions you would like to find out, Mr Google may or may not give you a satisfy answers within few seconds. I have spend some time on this small research !

Based on the research, accuracy of the information is quite high. However, as the electricity price per kWh vary every year in various countries, it is very hard to find out respective country exact electricity price per kWh. There might be a prices difference mistakes for some countries but all the information are based on within 3 years. Despite that, the price gap is not really wide as if some country implemented new electricity tariff system.

It is up to you to fully or partially believe it or not on the chart above. I am quite convinced that. Take a look at Malaysia vs Singapore electricity price per kWh, you will see that Singapore 1 kWh is so high currently stood at RM 0.63. I believe there is tier system in Singapore electricity tariff.

I don think Singapore has this electricity tariff tier system. In Malaysia, First 200 kWh, it charge on RM 0.21 or USD $0.09 

Brunei new tariff on 2011 is incredibly cheap. First 500 kWh is RM0.3 , which they pay for RM 15.00. 501 - 1500 kWh charge on RM 0.30 .  On 1501 kWh and above , they are charging RM0. 45 . I think they are still using 2011 electricity pricing tariff.

Which countries has the lowest consumer electricity per kWh ?

Brunei definitely stood the top at the ranking. RM0.03 for first 500kWh .

For orderly manner it would be Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippine, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore. 

Which countries has the highest consumer electricity per kWh ?

Reverse the order it would be Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Philippine, Taiwan, South Korea, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Brunei.

All of the information provided here is just my personal opinion. I am just normal Malaysian just like other Malaysian in the street. Be moderate !


Singapore Electricity : Sources
South Korea Electricity : Sources
China Electricity : Sources
Japan Electricity : Sources
Thailand Electricity : Sources
Brunei Electricity : Sources
Taiwan Electricity : Sources

Global Electricity tariff : Global Electricity tariff