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Efforts Keeping Marine Turtle from Facing Extinction

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Biggest Conservation organization WWF has called out all Malaysia to adopt marine turtle in new way.

WWF is stand for world wide fund for nature. The term WWF is no stranger to everyone because the world today is educated on the matter of animal extinction through television and radio. This phenomenon of protecting animal had never happened before at the past, people are starting concern about the extinction of animals. In 21st century, the growing rapidly of animal extinction has really made the front news In Malaysia, we have rhino, sumatra tiger and marine turtle are facing extinction.

Watch this small video clip and read the full information at WWF Marine Turtle

You can make little contribution to the nature there are millions of contributor but it is always not enough because the impact to the nature by human invention is catastrophe and it is unstoppable. we are today still making hole underground for our future humankind. Little contribution means a lot and You have the privilege obtaining WWF T-shirt too.

Hundred of conservation organization are putting efforts spreading awareness to the public community in Malaysia. WWF is partner with Malaysia in order to educate Malaysian about the importance of conservation animal. 

Adopt a turtle monthly or one-off or you can even buy merchandise where the money will then transfer helping conserve thousands of marine turtles  now you could do that by going to the website Marine Turtle and follow the instructions.