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Tuberculosis Incident in 1 Borneo Hypermall

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One Borneo employees have been advised seek medical attention as Tuberculosis is a highly lethal disease, adding that who are infected with TB could easily transmit it to other person through air. It will eventually cause chaos.

1Borneo Hypermall

Based on the Wikipedia about TB, it mainly attack lungs if left untreated, 50% disease carrier is likely will died. Before it happen, gravely pain is felt coughing or sneezing.

Sabah News Agency BorneoPost reported that , more than hundred employees of hypermall have been sent to hospital for early diagnosis in a bid to prevent TB outbreak from happening. Despite that, there is no news reported the result of the diagnosis being taken by more than hundred employees

The TB incident is confirmed when 7 of the employees of 1Borneo Hypermall is being treated as active carrier of Tuberculosis disease. It is believed that they have been infected outside the compound of 1Borneo Hypermall.

Politicians hardly ignored such a huge news as it will impact hard on rapid growing and vibrant Sabah Tourism economy, Luyang assemblyman Dr Hiew king Cheu has taken action by visiting Queen Elizabeth Hospital the place where 7 persons have been quarantined.

The incident is further confirmed by State Health Director Dr Christina Rundi. Community are being warned not to go 1Borneo and insist those who are prone to illness stay away from 1Borneo as immune system is not strong enough preventing infection of Tuberculosis.