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Missing Malaysia Airline MH370 Movie

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The Vanishing Act inspired by the real incident of Malaysian flight MH370 

United State's Hollywood movies industry have been occasionally related and association with grand unfortunate event such as 9/11. Some even made a statement that "if they can make Avatar, they can make 9/11". It really self explanatory whether which is is true of false. I mean we do not know who started and behind every war happened right ? perhaps we will know the truth after the war is over. Or maybe someone just put a name accusing him start the war.

The Vanishing Act is a movie but not a documentary. A movies always dramatic, fancy and overwhelmed story telling. Movies are not entirely true and it is based on one side opinion how and what to show in your screen. Will we condemn such an act to make a movie inspired by the real incident ??

To start telling everyone "The Vanishing Act" movie is inspired by MH370 is fairy unfair. Because all we know about the real event MH370 they lost contact with airport controller tower. So in this movie, there will be a plot about the airplane lost contact with airport controller tower ?

How much similarities of true event MH370 will be put inside this movie ? In fact, this movie is marketed largely using the real event missing Malaysian Airliner MH370 title. This movie is still in the state of getting new investors. Meanwhile, a trailer of the movie have been made available to the public.

Do you really have to watch this movie ? I strongly encourage this is just a movie made out of investor money. It may or may not be similar to the true event. For the marketing part, they were using MH370 true event that is entirely legal in some country.

Will this movie be produced and aired to the public if they have enough investor ? It is likely will happen because in the past we have seen much more exaggerated movies that so called inspired by 9/11 and so forth.

This movies unveiled by Bollywood director Rupesh Paul. The trailer has cost him $3.5 million or (RM11million).