There are many incidents happened in Malaysia that people are curious. But author will enlisted few of them starting with 10. If you do feel some news stories should be in the list, feel free to use the comment box below.
Compilation of the Malaysia news storys are for educational informational purpose.
1. Sabah Incursion Due to Territory Claim
Government of Malaysia have been making peace with neighbouring countries since its independent. War is a word in our history until in 2013, the unresolved claim of Sabah was finally surface, it is believed the territory claim of Sabah by Sulu King Jamalul Kiram III family is the cause of war.
There is no reason Malaysia should not respond militarily on the matter because the Sabah claim worsen as sizeable number of gunmen landed on the shore of Sabah believed to be army of Sulu King. The place where Sulu army landed is called Kampung Tanduo have been seized by them. Despite general election of Malaysia will be held in May, Prime Minister of Malaysia commanded military involvement in this incident.
War broke out between Malaysia military force and Sulu king army. Both claimed they are not first to trigger the war. News reported violent gun shots and dead on both sides. Besides, commercial shops are forced close and the town was in silent.
The war is short lived as Sulu King's claim on Sabah is not recognised by international community although it have been few attempt of the territory claim in the past. End of war was declared by Sulu King's son.
2. Heavy Pollution of Haze triggered state of emergency in Johor
Haze pollution research group announced highest record since 1998 in Muar Johor state after continuous fire smoke blew from neighbouring country Indonesia. Haze pollution index rated 300 above is considered hazardous, Muar town has reached API reading 750.
In this level of pollution, public community are strongly advised to wear mask, prevent going out the street for too long, school shut down. Most severe impact to Malaysia is the economic growth of tourism industry and airline industry. Haze could be lethal and dangerous to human body particularly those who are prone to sickness and asthma-carried patient. Beside, heavy haze also disrupt local airline industry from flying.
The incident has been lambasted by Singapore as well as Malaysia. Because of political intervention in the matter, the cause of haze have been revealed. The main culprit were Indonesia companies clearing forest for palm oil plantation industry and also worsen by the July dry season.
Author Dewan Rakyat, uploaded by Hytar |
3. Malaysia's 13th General Election
Political matters had never been concerned by eyes and ear of Malaysian until recently the 2008 general election ruling party of government of Malaysia has been severely defeated one third by opposition . The opposition promised to it people that in 2013 when new general election emerged, they will take the government and transit power from current ruling party to them. However, the wish of opposition does not become materialised.
Foul play accusations spread by both parties sparked numerous serious lawsuits. Despite that, In the last fight on 13th General Election, we are seeing intense political fight to protect the interest and agenda of people. Ruling party BN or UMMO won the 13th General Election and take on another term in order to serve the people well. In fact, they never lose the fight on Opposition since foundation days.
It really surprising when the near end of announcement of General Election result, sudden blackout occurred. During that time, that is really uncommon activity. Beside that, what came next after power restoration were the result of GE 13 has been showing significantly differences on the screen watched by most of the Malaysian. Perhaps it broken after the blackout ??
4. Cameron Highland Dam Triggered Inevitable Tragedy in Low-land Housing Area
October 2013, Unexpected strong water current swept across Cameron Highlands Housing area causing chaos among the community and score of death. The Incident was triggered by relasing dam's water to the river and caused overflow to low-land housing area. Combination of yesterday heavy raining pouring on the river with releasing of dam water has caused flash mad flood.
Resident of Cameron Highland were alerted but it was too late by the authorities at around midnight where people are asleep. They also commented that the dam built half century designed for the purpose of preventing flood giving them trust and hope has fade. Authorities on the dam said on the matter, The incident was inevitable, if we do not release the dam water, the flood could have been worsen because the dam will automatically releasing more water to the river. It also said that they are trying the best not to jeopardise the dam as the dam has reached dangerous level.
5. Murder Crimes Involving Gunshot shocked the Nation
Although our country banned people from having gun like most the countries. In this year, we are disturb by crimes that involves Gun and Gangs. Let us review some of the high-profile crime that shock the nation. Firstly, the death of the Ambank founder. He died on the spot in parking lot near a temple. Assailants has yet to be found. Second, we are well aware the news Ambank security guard killed a female bank keeper with shotgun carried for his duty. The assailant was caught by polices later.
Beside that, Business man Tan Kok Soon killed while having dinner with his family at Oakland Commercial Centre in Seremban on April 14. Two day before the incident, James John shoot at traffic light near Seremban.. Not only West Malaysia are reporting gunshot cases it also happened at East Malaysia. You can watch all the gunshot victims at
2013 gunshot incidents
6. Rise of Car Fuel 0.20 Sen Per Litre
In the month of Semptember 2013, 0.20 sen added on fuel price of per litre of RON 95 as well as diesel. It seem like nothing to be concerned because only 0.20 sen. If you do the math, it is not 0.20 sen anymore. How many people pump their car in Malaysia only for one litre??.. We all must make logical assumption we will pump 10litres of fuels in our transport. If 10 litres then it must be RM2.00 for every litre. To make it clear, as if you go pump petrol into your car now for 10 litres, you will need pay rate of RM21 to the counter instead of RM19.
As soon as news broke out, massive traffic congestion appeared on the nearest fuel station as rising cost of fuel will be effective after midnight. The funny things is some petrol station hung a board written, " Actual fuel prize in the market is RM2.75 and government subsidy is 0.89 or diesel 0.93. Your price would be RM 2.1 pet litre of RON95 . The reason increase of fuel price was not fluctuation of fuel market, it is because government is trimming subsidy. The real government subsidy in RON95 is 0.79.
7. Implementation of New Tax System GST 6%
In order to be progressive nation, Malaysia will take new tax initiative taken by most of advanced countries replacing old tax system. The new tax system is scheduled to be effective on 2015. Authorities has been proactive in educating public about the next tax to be implemented. The advantages and benefits of new tax does benefit both nation and the people . It is believed that it will reduce fiscal deficit and growing large debt pile.
Abolition of longest-serving tax system in Malaysia sales and service tax replacing Goods and Services Tax (GST) is announced in Budget 2014. In the same speech, he also said exemption of key staple items such as certain foods and public transportations from GST. This move of modification is designed to appeal low-income group.
8. Electricity Tariff is expected to rise on January 2014
Cost of Electricity is expected to be on rise effective January 2014. It is widely believed that new rate of electricity will no impact most of the people in housing area. However, rate will be higher to be paid by shopping mall operator, huge factory and business who consume too much electricity power. Those who use power tariff exceeded 300kWh will be imposed in the new tariff category and old tariff is applied for those use less than 300kWh electricity power. More detail at
TNB claims new power tariff does not impact most of the Malaysian but business
9. Selangor Banned Freedom of using the word "Allah"
Religious topic regarding other people belief is very sensitive issue to be spoken by most of Malaysia. Freedom of religious is a practice since the foundation of Malaysia. It also one of the Malaysia constitution. Since first few news broke out that Christian is trying to convert Islam practitioner, now again the news is spreading Islamic department is sending warning not to use the word "Allah" as well as in bible context. Allah is refering to God in Christian as well as reffering to God in Islamic holy text.
The other side of the story, Christian bible which translated in Malay language has been using the word "Allah" for as long as it has been published. The matter is worsen when it was brought to court and the court of justice ruled that "Allah" is banned for Herald, Catholic weekly. Furthermore, the court made confusion among Malaysian who practice Christian in West and East Malaysia. Now the word "Allah" is ban in West Malaysia , how is all the Christian in East Malaysia? In my point of view, Christian who live in East Malaysia still using the word "Allah " unaffected with the result of court. In fact, it is contradiction to the court who judged in west Malaysia that all the christian in Malaysia should be banned using the word "Allah ".
If you don know what is Herald means. It is a Christian newspaper published weekly in Malaysia.
10. Heavy Flood in Terengganu, Pahang and Kelantan States
Pahang is severely hit by Flood in December more than 40,000 victims evacuate to safe zone. Second state is Terengganu with 20,000 more victim waiting to be evacuated by authorities. The least impacted by flood were Kelantan and Johor. Numerous relief centre has been set up to shelter flood victims. Mininster commented the impact of flood will be assessed for future flood prevention measure.
Preventive measure could be done if all of people work together said the minister. In this time of desperation, people should care each other from this catastrophe event. Tenaga Nasional Berhad made the move to cut power supply. Main connected road and food supply has been cut off. The water level has increased until unable to identified the normal landscape.
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